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Writing inspiration – Five books that inspire me to write every day

There’s something special about books that inspire people to write. Some books teach writing by teaching technicalities, but some teach by inspiration, as they show what a brilliant piece of writing can create. They transport us to another world or make us feel like we’re not alone in our struggles. These are the books that transform us as people and give us a spiritual awakening.

Read more on the importance of reading for spiritual growth.

Whatever it is, these five books have inspired me to write every day. They’re each captivating in their way and have given me a deep insight into the art of writing.

I highly recommend these books if you’re looking for writing inspiration.

1. Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Life of Pi is an extraordinary story of survival and spiritual awareness (Read more on what is spiritual awareness). It’s about a young boy, Pi Patel, whose ship sinks in the middle of the ocean, but when Pi floats on the top of a lifeboat, he finds himself in a whole new world. The adventure Pi feels on the little boat in the endless ocean absorbs the readers into the story. There is always a hint of some supernatural force visible on the horizon. Yet the fantasy feels like an actual autobiography.

As the writer weaves a world of wonders and amazes the readers, later, he also explains some symbols he used in the story. This part of “Life of Pi” makes this book a must-read for aspiring writers. It gives a peek into the writer’s mind and teaches how one can create beauty with a rather cruel reality. It is an inspiration to the writers attempting to write fiction.

2. The Harry Potter series by J K Rowling

This book needs no introduction, as it has made a name in the history of literature. Reading the first few pages, I was hooked on the story instantly. The mere world that J K Rowling has created in these books is impossible for many writers.

But the thing that every writer should take away from the series is how the writer has built a story that spans seven years. The children from the first book become adults in the last. The writer’s success in maintaining the plot (which is super complex) through these years amazes me. I can confidently say that this series is the only one in the world that does not become boring, rather more interesting until the very last book. Speaking the truth, I cannot figure out what makes the story so great because whenever I read it, I get too lost in the plot and don’t care about its technicalities of it. It certainly is the benchmark of writing in the modern world and undoubtedly worked as writing inspiration for many writers.

3. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Again, this is a book that is full of symbolism and learning. Based on fiction, the book is a marvel for presenting philosophy on life. It is so captivating that I could not put down the book before finishing it in one go. I read so fast that I could not even understand the underlying message. And I had to read again.

For an aspiring writer, this book shows how a plot with mystery can hook a reader. And how depth in a story can let the reader not forget the book after putting it down (contrary to most mystery and suspense novels). The writing style of Paulo Coelho is admiring as this book also incites thoughts in the readers long after the story ends. The book transports the reader to an imaginary world so vivid that they can not believe the story is fiction.

4. Alice’s adventures in wonderland by Lewis Carroll

This book presents a unique story, the likes of which I have not come across anywhere else. The entire plot takes place in Alice’s dream. For modern readers, no one can dare suggest such an attempt at writing. If a present publisher sees a book with a story happening in a dream, they would instantly reject the idea. However, this book is an example of how fiction inside fiction can be so creative, it can become a classic in literature.

This book is simply a brainstorming session for any writer looking for creativity or writing inspiration. In some parts, there is clear symbolism. Yet some elements are sheer imagination that has no real meaning except the playfulness of creative nuances of the writer. The story is a roller coaster ride of creativity and imagination. It is a must-read whether you are a writer or even if you dislike reading. It is a perfect book for children, adults, men, and women alike.

5. The Ramayana by Sage Valmiki

Sage Valmiki is an ancient Indian poet who composed the Ramayana. This book is an excellent example of how a poet can inspire other poets. It was in this book that Valmiki showed the greatness of poetry by creating a story that is so captivating that it has inspired other poets for centuries.

This book is an inspiration to anyone who wants to practice their art. Apart from being a massive piece of literature composed of perfect poetry, it also has a story that any person once reads cannot forget. It has all the elements of written art like romance, faith, bravery, etc. They all fit the plot perfectly and naturally, which has been an impossible feat for any other writer to date (except for The Mahabharata).

I know it is a religious text for the Hindus. But every writer should read this text at least once in their lifetime. And it is a certainty that they will learn something new that they thought could not be accomplished by writing. Personally, this book has always been a writing inspiration for me. I feel that if I can write with even one percent of sage Valmiki’s efficiency, I would surely succeed in the profession.

Read more on how spiritual reading helps develop soul consciousness.