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Adhyatma Upanishad

With English Translation and Commentary

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Adhyatma Upanishad

With English Translation and Commentary

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Gurukul Tales - Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India

Gurukul Tales

Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India

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Gurukul Tales - Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India

Gurukul Tales

Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India

Available Formats: Kindle

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Gurukul Tales - Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India

Gurukul Tales

Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India (Hindi)

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Gurukul Tales - Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India

Gurukul Tales

Teacher-Student Stories from Ancient India (Hindi)

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Coming Soon!

A Book on Personal Transformation. (Title to be decided)

Who hasn’t heard of yoga! Right? But its effects are still in the gray area for the common consensus. Some people say it works like magic, while for others it is only a hobby to pass the time.

However, if you knew its history and learned what yoga really is, you would change your perception of it. The breathing exercises, meditation, asana, etc. are only a small part of it. When the sages of India developed it, they aimed much higher than the peace of mind or physical fitness.

By reading my next book, you will see how yoga is a way of holistic life that improves productivity and helps you build a high-class lifestyle from the down up approach. When you will learn the forgotten aspects of yoga and meditation, you will jump to it and slowly it will become one with your daily life.

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